ReStore 715-318-9122 Affiliate 715-350-8575
ReStore 715-318-9122 Affiliate 715-350-8575
There is a critical housing shortage in Western Wisconsin as identified by county income guidelines set by Housing and Urban Development standards.
Demand for affordable housing in rural Western Wisconsin continues to increase with the the eastward migration from Twin Cities exurban communities. As employers and local municipalities look for housing opportunities, a collaborative model to address the demand will help ease this challenge and plan for a sustainable housing market.
The WWHC is a shared services cooperative that develops new small-scale housing options for individuals and families with an Area Median Income of 60-80%.
Work is being done with a coalition of developers, subcontractors, service organizations, financial institutions, and economic development partners to create this Coop.
An initial Steering Committee is evaluating the feasibility of the creation of the WWHC, its membership and structure, and will drive the implementation of recommendations.
We're moving forward with actions, sub-committees and mapping out next steps. Please give Kristie Smith a call if you're interested in learning more. 715-350-8575 ext. 1
Steering Committee:
Ray French, Regional Director, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Joe Folsom, Executive Director, Pierce County Economic Development Corporation
Steve Jahn, Executive Director, Momentum West
Kristie Smith, Executive Director, St. Croix Valley Habitat for Humanity
Aaron Sundeen, Director of Business Development, Derrick Building Solutions
Jordan Vernoy, Partner, See What I Mean, LLC
St. Croix Valley Habitat for Humanity
749 Ryan Drive, Hudson, WI 54016
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